DESTRUCTION: New Version Of 'Mad Butcher' Posted Online
December 22, 2006Candlelight Records USA has posted DESTRUCTION's remake of their classic "Mad Butcher" to the label's official MySpace page. The new version of "Mad Butcher" comes off the band's forthcoming "Thrash Anthems" album, set to hit U.S. stores on January 23. Alongside 12 other remakes, "Thrash Anthems" contains two brand new songs ("Deposition/Your Heads Will Roll" and "Profanity"). The CD was recorded at House of Music Studio in Germany) and Little Creek Studio in Switzerland with almost the same team that worked on the group's "Inventor of Evil" CD: DESTRUCTION's live sound engineers Gerd Krenz, Franky Winkelmann and GURD/POLTERGEIST mastermind VO Pulver. The tracks were mixed by one of the best metal producers in Europe — Jacob Hansen, the Danish producer and INVOCATOR singer and guitarist.
"Thrash Anthems" track listing:
01. Deposition (Your Heads Will Roll) *
02. Invincible Force
03. Release from Agony
04. Mad Butcher
05. Sign of Fear
06. Death Trap
07. Life Without Sense
08. Total Desaster
09. Bestial Invasion
10. Reject Emotions
11. Tormentor
12. Unconscious Ruins
13. Curse the Gods
14. Cracked Brain
15. Profanity *
16. Eternal Ban (Bonus Track)
*brand new songs
DESTRUCTION is currently filming a video for "Total Desaster", to be made available for download in early 2007.
Commented DESTRUCTION bassist/vocalist Marcel "Schmier" Schirmer: "The intention of this album was to give the old classics — many of them still being a big part of our [setlist] — some fresh energy and the aggressive production of today, without losing the 'old-school' atmosphere. Some of the old recordings have a rather poor sound and we didn't wanna do another 'best of' album with those (old recordings) 'cause it has been done before and won't be exciting at all. But after more than 17 years it was time for another 'best of' album."
The cover art (front, back) will feature the "Mad Butcher" among images of other classic DESTRUCTION covers. The CD will also feature a guest appearance by former DESTRUCTION guitar player Harry Wilkens and Jacob Hansen (INVOCATOR).
DESTRUCTION will kick off their headline tour (with support from SADUS and MUNICIPAL WASTE) on January 20.
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